Tuesday, June 28, 2011

ORA-04063: package body "DEV_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_SHREDDED" has errors

After installing oracle SOA Suite on Oracle XE I was getting the following issue
ORA-04063: package body "DEV_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_SHREDDED" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "DEV_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_SHREDDED"
ORA-06512: at line 1
 and the the soa server was not coming up.I followed the following steps and was able to run the server successfully.
  • Drop the SOA Schemas using the rcu.  
  • Connected to the  XE database server using the following steps and ran the following commands.
show parameter processes
by default “processes” should be 40. We should make it 300:
alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile;
conn / as sysdba
shutdown immediate
conn / as sysdba
show parameter sga
alter system set sga_target=350M scope=spfile;
alter system set sga_max_size=350M scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate

After fixing the above parameters.Set the following environmental variable and than run rcu.bat.
set RCU_JDBC_TRIM_BLOCKS=TRUE in the command prompt.
run rcu.bat from the command prompt.


  1. This didn't work for me on Ubuntu 11.04. I see the error when I start the WebLogic Administration Server, although it does start up in RUNNING mode.

  2. Hi the steps mention above really worked for me. Thanks a lot.

  3. It works!!!!!!!!!!!! Thaks a lot !!!! If it doesn't works. alternatively try setting the environment variable through UI (i.e) system properties > advanced system setting > advanced > environment variable > system variable > new Variable Name = RCU_JDBC_TRIM_BLOCKS
    value = TRUE
